News & Events


  • 2020年7月:拟议的第九条程序 & Regulations

    July 31, 2020

    July 20, 2020

    • Following the Department of Education's publication of final regulations under Title IX, and consistent with the University's frequent communications with the DU community as to its progress in implementing the regulations, we are ready to share a preliminary draft procedures with the community. We emphasize that this document is a draft and remains under consideration in many respects. 鉴于政府提供的实施这些规定的时间很短, we recognize the importance of obtaining community feedback early in the drafting process. 大学的第九条起草小组期待您的评论, thoughts, concerns, 在我们制定这项非常重要和有影响力的政策的过程中.
    • Please send feedback to by July 24th.
  • 2020年6月9日:提供第九条法规反馈


    DU is currently reviewing the final Title IX regulations and determining the necessary modifications to existing policies and procedures. As a member of our community, we welcome your questions and concerns about the regulations and DU's implementation of the regulations.

    Submit Comments to DU

    审查来自美国的最终法规和相关材料.S. Department of Education:

  • May 2020: Proposed & final Title IX regulations

    May 6, 2020

    • 教育部发布了新的期末考试 Title IX regulations on May 6, 2020. The regulations will be effective on August 14, 2020, and DU has been planning for that possibility. Community conversations and consultation about the new regulations and their impact on our policies and practices is planned for June and July of 2020.
    • Title IX prohibits gender based discrimination in education – this includes discrimination based on gender, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, and dating violence. (大学公告:第九章规例)

    May 1, 2020

    • 教育部提出了第九条法规
    • We are anticipating that the Department of Education will issue a new set of Title IX regulations. The release date is unclear. However, DU is taking preparatory measures for the possibility that the regulations will be released soon and be effective in August, 2020. Title IX prohibits gender based discrimination in education – this includes discrimination based on gender, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, and dating violence.
  • 2020年1月21日:回应WeCanDUBetter

    我们要感谢你的勇气和毅力. The first-person narratives show how much further we have to go to create a culture of respect for one another so all can feel and be safe at DU. DU社区成员分享的故事是令人憎恶和不可接受的. 我们向你保证,我们不仅听你的, but we are committed to making progress on each one of your requests to help this campus become a better place. We can do better, and we will.

    Specifically, below, 我们会对您的要求——我们承诺要做的事情——进行逐点回答, what we have already begun, 我们一直在做的事情,你可能不知道. In addition, as soon as possible, 负责MG线上电子游戏和包容性卓越的副校长, Lili Rodriquez, and DU's Title IX Coordinator, Jeremy Enlow, would like to speak with, and work with you, 还有其他的学生, 一起看看我们还能做些什么. Lili and Jeremy will report important updates to the Chancellor throughout this process.

    Click here to see full response.

  • 2019年12月11日:新MG线上电子游戏第六章和反犹太主义的行政命令

    2019年12月11日,特朗普总统签署了一份 executive order that interprets Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as including protection from anti-Semitism. 第六章禁止基于种族的歧视, color and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. 虽然宗教不受第六章的保护, religion is among the categories of protected status in DU's anti-discrimination policy. The University continues its commitment to an equitable learning and working environment free from religious discrimination and harassment consistent with our policy. If you have questions about the executive order or any other matter related to our anti-harassment policy, 请联络平等机会办公室 & Title IX.

  • 2019年7月25日:薪酬公平研究委托

    由名誉校长丽贝卡·肖普委托, MG线上电子游戏已经开始了一项薪酬平等研究. This voluntary study has been established to determine whether there are systemic inequities impacting our non-union benefited faculty and staff salaries based on gender and underrepresented minority status.

    Ensuring an equitable approach toward compensation is a principle that DU deeply embraces. 然而,薪酬并不是我们员工的唯一动力, we know a fair and equitable framework by which compensation is set to be critically essential. As such, 这项研究将分几个阶段进行, 包括第三方供应商的参与, Gallagher, 由行政团队指导,并由大学顾问委员会提供意见. Read more about the intent of the study, the community members involved and the expected timeline.

  • Equity in Action

    Equity in Action


    Employers are increasingly evolving in their understanding of the importance of self-identity in the workplace. As a University Community, you have provided us with valuable input about how to improve our forms and records to be more inclusive. In response to your input and in conjunction with the University's diversity and inclusion goals connected to DU Impact 2025, we are pleased to inform you that PioneerWeb now provides you options for entering preferred names, personal pronouns, and gender designations that reflect your identity.

    要到达那里,导航到Employee选项卡 MyDU 然后在左上角找到My Resources门户. 在My Resources下,选择第一个选项My Personal Profile.

  • 2018年10月24日:第九条下性别法律定义的提案

    Recent news coverage has implied that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may be leading an effort to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX. The proposal, as quoted from a leaked memo, defines sex as either male or female, and gender as something determined by a person's genitals at birth rather than on the gender a person identifies with. As part of this effort, 卫生与公众服务部呼吁主要政府机构采用统一的性别定义, “这是由生物学基础决定的,这是显而易见的, grounded in science, objective and administrable."

    In light of this coverage, we wish to clarify that University of Denver's Equal Opportunity Policy and Procedures expressly prohibit harassment, 基于性别对任何人的歧视或暴力, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. 这些保护也适用于我们的变性人, non-binary, 性别不符合和双性学生, staff, faculty, alumni, visitors, and community members.

    Additionally, DU complies with the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act's prohibition against harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex, 延伸到性取向和性别认同.

    This development does not impact DU's commitment to create a safe and inclusive campus environment, 也没有承诺提供一个彻底的, prompt, 以及对性骚扰指控的公平回应, 基于性别认同或性别表达的歧视或暴力. DU was among the first higher education institutions to include both gender identity and gender expression in its non-discrimination policy and continues to prohibit harassment and discrimination against any person on the basis of sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

    The suggested changes, even if not enacted, 可能会引起我们对变性人的关注, non-binary, 性别不一致和双性人社区成员, and reminds us of the vulnerability marginalized people experience on a regular basis. We encourage our community members to seek care and support whenever necessary through the other resources offered by the University.

    If members of the community experience gender-based harassment or discrimination at any time, they are encouraged to contact the Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX, or the 倡导、预防和赋权中心(CAPE).

  • August 31, 2018 : Procedures Update

    大学的2018-2019年平等机会 & 第九条程序更新,可以找到 here.

  • 2018年4月25日:全性别厕所

    大学批准并通过了全性别厕所的指导方针, showers, 在现有设施上进行设施改造, new construction, and renovations. The guidelines can be found here.


